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Solution Graphics

Selasa, 24 Juli 2007


Art Degung is one art sunda karawitan which used instrument gamelan harmony degung (more general harmony pelog ).
At first appearance, art degung, have songs ageung like Lambang, Pajajaran, beer layer, Bima mobos, Kodehel, Jipang prawa, Jipang karaton, Mayaselas, and others,

On developing, happen creation artist past contact, from creation composition based on positions, which basic able in song composition like catrik, kulu – kulu, sinyur, banjaran, bungur, belenderan, lalayaran, and others.

From mentioned, so appear songs degung wanda anyar like song kayaking ( catrik ), nimang ( singur ), Asa tos tepang ( catrik ), anjeun ( mandiri ).Still artist creation, gamelan degung known add kecapi siter and can escort songs intonation sorog like potret manehna ,dua saati, kapaut imut, kacipta kapiati, bentang kuring.

Which aim art kacapian is Kawih art which used music instrument kecapi siter, Suling, Kendang, and Goong. Some times need to used Waditra Rebab.Altough this art more potencial even must have been escorted only with one instrument just kecapi siter.
Kecapian reach the top on Koko Koswara period or more than popular as Imut Melati Reumis Beureum Dina Eurih, Kembang Tanjung Panineungan, Dilangit Bandung Bulan keur Mayung, Angkrek Japati, Kembang Impian and others.

At developing this Wanda Kacapian experience develop that rapid enough trough artist creation like Nano.S., Ubun Kubarsyah, Yus wira direju, Iik Setiawan, Wahyu Roche, and others. So appear new songs created Nano.S. As Citarum Sariring Puspa, Bingbang, Tibelat, Praspris, Pengkolan, or song created Ubun and Yus as: Dalingding Asih, Duh ieung, Saha Eta, Bongan saha, yeuh bade ka mana, cimata kuring, Jempling peuting, and others,

Degung, and Kacapian Until now popular on society. Beside past shows and Passanggiri activity, the third art enough popular have been show in wedding reception. Under this is sphere art data between have second art material on top.

For details to visit please Click here

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